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Currently Offered Courses - Spring 2025

REL 109 - Religion & Society in West II

Introduction to classic writers and texts in Western religious and social thought from the Enlightenment to the present, with emphasis on their social and historical contexts. Same as ANTH 109 and PHIL 109..

REL 110 - World Religions

Survey of the leading living religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; examination of basic texts and of philosophic theological elaborations of each religion. Same as PHIL 110.

REL 112 - Elementary Greek II

Same as GRK 102. See GRK 102.

REL 115 - Language and Culture in India

Same as HNDI 115 and LING 115. See LING 115.

REL 120 - A History of Judaism

Examines the social, political, economic, and intellectual history of the Jews from Abraham to the present-day, with particular attention to Jewish thought and society. Same as HIST 168 and JS 120.

REL 160 - Ancient Greek & Roman Religion

Same as CLCV 160. See CLCV 160.

REL 201 - Hebrew Bible in English

Analyzes the critical issues in the interpretation of the literature of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament; surveys the history and religion of Ancient Israel with special reference to Israel's setting in the ancient Near East. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor.

REL 202 - New Testament in English

Analyzes the literature of the New Testament in its social and religious setting, with special reference to the ministry and teaching of Jesus, the emergence of the church as a sect within ancient Judaism, and the development of Christian institutions in the Graeco-Roman world. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor.

REL 208 - Cultures & Literatures of South Asia

Introduction to the literary traditions of South Asia from the beginnings to the end of the Mughal era. Students will read - in translation - selections from a wide range of texts beginning with the earliest Vedic Hymns to the seventeenth and eighteenth century Sufi poetry and songs. Provides students an understanding of the heterogeneous and rich literary and cultural past of the region. Same as ASST 208, CWL 208, and SAME 208.

REL 212 - History of Antisemitism

Same as JS 201. See JS 201.

REL 214 - Introduction to Islam

History of Islamic thought from the time of Muhammad to the present, including the prophethood of Muhammad, the Qur'an, theology and law, mysticism and philosophy, sectarian movements, modernism and legal reform, and contemporary resurgence. Same as SAME 214. Credit is not given for both REL 213 and REL 214.

REL 231 - Religion and Philosophy

Introduces students to philosophical and theological perspectives and methodologies by focusing on one or two key thinkers, books, or topics. Study and critical assessment will attend to the larger historical context. Same as PHIL 231.

REL 260 - Mystics and Saints in Islam

Examines mystical concepts and practices in Islam through the ages, through the lives and writings of important mystics and Sufi holy men and women, as well as the integration of mysticism and the Sufi Orders into Muslim society and Islamic orthodoxy. Same as SAME 260. No knowledge of Islam or foreign language is required.

REL 286 - Introduction to Hinduism

Elements of Hindu thought and practice; selected topics presented in historical order and in the context of Indian cultural history (including the present).

REL 287 - Introduction to Buddhism

Thematic approach to the history of Buddhism from its origin in India to its spread throughout China and Japan; explores how the doctrinal and social development of Buddhism in East Asia is related to the process of cultural adaptation. Same as EALC 287.

REL 320 - Responses to the Holocaust

Same as CWL 320, ENGL 359, JS 320, and YDSH 320. See CWL 320.

REL 344 - Jewish Intellectual History: Encounters with Islam and Christianity

Study of the distinctive religious ideas, movements, and figures of pre-Modern Judaism [500 CE-1700 CE] with an emphasis on how Judaism’s encounter with medieval Islam and Christianity influenced these new Jewish expressions. Topics include theology, philosophy, Biblical interpretation, mysticism, Jewish-Christian polemics, and law. Same as JS 344 and MDVL 344.

REL 494 - Topics in Religious Thought

Various topics in religious thought. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated as topics vary.

REL 495 - Topics in Asian Religions

Topics in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and other Asian religious traditions. Same as EALC 495. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 undergraduate hours or 8 graduate hours as topics vary. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor.

REL 511 - Seminar in Study of Religion

Intensive study of select topics or issues in the study of religion. May be repeated in the same or separates terms as topics vary.

REL 520 - Hindu Pilgrimage, Power & Place

This course undertakes a critical examination of the nature and practices of Hindu pilgrims, pilgrimages, and pilgrimage sites. We will examine central beliefs and practices of lived religion in the Hindu tradition and situate Hindu pilgrimage within the broader context of pilgrimage and related discussions of power and place. Same as SAME 520. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit.

REL 590 - Independent Study

Special topics not treated in regularly scheduled courses; for graduates. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Evidence of adequate preparation for such study and consent of staff member supervising the work.