
© 2012 University of Illinois Board of Trustees

Lecture or speech

Title: 'Because I Am a Citizen': Religion and the Common Good in Today's America
Speaker: Martin E. Marty 
Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Divinity School, University of Chicago 

Description: "Because I have citizenship!" implies a legal basis for rights and responsibilities, but by itself it can be impersonal. "Because I am a citizen" is personal and implies ethical commitments. The "common good" can be advanced by both, but the personal reference can serve as a charter for positive action, no matter what the cultural, political, economic, and religious climate. 

About the speaker: Martin E. Marty taught for thirty-five years at UofC. He is the author of over fifty books and the recipient of seventy-five honorary doctorates, the National Humanities Medal, the National Book Award, and the Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 

Sponsor: Department of Religion, UIUC 
Lecture Series: Thulin Lecture 
Event in Series: 2012 Thulin Lecture

citizenship, common good, commons, ethics, Martin Marty, Marty, religion 


Thulin 2012 Lecture Program