5:00 – 6:30PM ⎮ Alice Campbell Alumni Center
- 2023-04-09 - The Department of Religion is thrilled to announce the addition of two new assistant professors. These new members of our community continue the department’s long-standing commitment to excellence in research and teaching and bring exciting new areas of expertise to our campus. Dr. Stephanie Mota Thurston Dr. Thurston’s research and teaching interests include...
- 2023-02-01 - On October 2, 2023 the Department of Religion and the Program in Jewish Culture and Society hosted a symposium on the life and legacy of Prof. Bruce Rosenstock z"l. Four different panels convened and they can be viewed here: Panel 1: Dov Weiss, Gary Porton, and Seth Schein...
- 2021-08-09 - Four professors from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences have been named 2021 Conrad Humanities Scholars, including Dov Weiss from the Religion Department. The Conrad Humanities Scholars Award is a five year designation that recognizes promising mid-career scholars and provides financial...